Tuesday 28 March 2017

Top 9 Points on How we can become a Good Teacher - Methods for Effective Teaching

                                                 How We can become a Good Teacher
A teacher is someone who can change the behavior of learners by imparting them knowledge about different concepts.
Following are characteristics of good teacher:
1: Tutor:
A good teacher is a tutor who provide direction to the learners. So that learners are able to perform bettor in society.
2: Evaluator:
A good teacher is good evaluator. Without evaluation we can't able to access the performance of own and performance of our students. Teacher should evaluate the performance of learners by taking different test.
3; Controller:
A good teacher control all the activities of learner. So, that he/she can able to provide bettor techniques and strategies to accomplish their goals.
4: Resource:
Teacher is a information source for learners. Teacher should provide authentic information to the learners.
5: A Good teacher respects students:
In a classroom teacher should give value to opinions of every student. Students don't feel hesitation to share their feelings and learn to respect and listen to others. This teacher creates a student centered learning environment for all students.
4: A Good teacher creates a sense of community and belonging in the classroom:
The mutual respect in this teacher’s classroom provides a supportive, collaborative environment. In this small community, there are rules to follow and jobs to be done and each student is aware that he or she is an important, integral part of the group. A great teacher lets students know that they can depend not only on her, but also on the entire class.
6: A Good teacher is warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring:
This person is approachable, not only to students, but to everyone on campus. This is the teacher to whom students know they can go with any problems or concerns or even to share a funny story. Great teachers possess good listening skills and take time out of their way-too-busy schedules for anyone who needs them. If this teacher is having a bad day, no one ever knows—the teacher leaves personal baggage outside the school doors.
7: A great teacher sets high expectations for all students:
 This teacher realizes that the expectations she has for her students greatly affect their achievement; she knows that students generally give to teachers as much or as little as is expected of them.
8:A great teacher has his own love of learning:
 A good teacher  inspires students with his passion for education and for the course material. He constantly renews himself as a professional on his quest to provide students with the highest quality of education possible. This teacher has no fear of learning new teaching strategies or incorporating new technologies into lessons, and always seems to be the one who is willing to share what he’s learned with colleagues.
9. A Good teacher is good leader:
 Different from administrative leaders, effective teachers focus on shared decision-making and teamwork, as well as on community building. This great teacher conveys this sense of leadership to students by providing opportunities for each of them to assume leadership roles.

Monday 27 March 2017

America Facing Financial Problems

 Federal taxes are around 18% of GDP today, what they have been since the 1950s. State and local taxes, however, have increased substantially over that period. Total taxes from all sources are now a bit more than 34% of GDP, up from a low of 26% in the mid-1950s, but below highs of more than 36% reached several times in the past 15 years. So by historical standards, total taxes are not especially low. On the other hand, there is room to raise taxes a bit without going into unprecedented territory. To have a substantial impact, however, tax increases would have to fall on the middle class as well as the affluent. Extending the Bush tax cuts for the middle class and allowing taxes to rise to Clinton-era levels only for households with incomes over $250,000 (and singles over $200,000) would raise enough money to cut the deficit by just around 10% over the coming decade.

Sunday 19 March 2017

Taking poor decisions in purchasing and investment.

Some American households are still feeling the sting of the recession. According to the Federal Reserve survey, "60% of respondents reported that their families were either 'doing okay' or 'living comfortably' financially; almost 1/4th of them said that they were 'just getting by' financially and another 13% said they were struggling to do so."
People who no longer feel the impact of the economic downturn still have to face the results of making their own decision. A large portion of the survey respondents (46% of men and 26% of women) acknowledge the impact of their financial decisions and say they would prefer to work towards making great investment or purchasing decisions.